Wait for the Lord!


Bible Passage:

Psalm 27:14 ESV
Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!

Message: I have been playing the song "Worth The Wait" by 33 Miles. This song reminds me that God has a better plan for me why I am jobless for almost a year. Although, sometimes I questioned Him why I can't find a job the fits me with a high salary and a good boss.  But after questioning Him, I thank God because He supply all my needs despite of no monthly income. I believe from some lines of this song "God has perfect timing, Never early, Never late" For me, God's timing has not yet come, He's looking for a perfect timing, and I'm patiently waiting. It also says that "It takes a little patience, And takes a lot of faith" I was wondering when this God's perfect timing would be? Maybe, He is dealing with me to increase my faith.

Conclusion: Wait for God's timing and always bear in your mind that He has some great for you that you couldn't imagine. Increase your faith!



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