Title: Enjoying Life with God

Bible Passage: Ecclesiastes 3:22 (CEV)
22 We were meant to enjoy our work, and that’s the best thing we can do. We can never know the future.

Message: Nobody knows our future, only our Creator (God) knows it. God wants us to enjoy our work, not just the work at the office, but the work to serve Him. I'm enjoying to be at God's company.

Conclusion: Enjoy life to work with Him, that's why we are created.
Title: Honesty with Little Things

Bible Passage: Luke 16:10 (NIV)
"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

Message: I have been tested for my honesty this past weeks, I encountered many situations like riding on a  jeepney where I gave only 20 pesos and they gave me 42 pesos but I returned what is not for me. I bought some foods at one fast food chain and they serve me more than what I ordered, I never think twice but I just bring back what is not for me. After these some situations, I have no doubt because I did what is right, but have a smiling face where I passed these little testing from God.

Conclusion: Be honest even with small things, because it counts.
Title: Just At The Right Time

Bible Passage: 2 Peter 3:9
The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.

Message: We may have an experienced that we're waiting for God to work on the time we want but we fail to see His work. We might have tried to murmur and think, 'why God is late' or 'why God didn't show his work', 'does He want me to be shameful?' It reminds me of the song "While I'm waiting" by John Waller  that I first heard from the movie entitled "Fireproof". So,if you think He is slow, reverse it. He is always just at the right time. While we're waiting for God's timing, let's be patient, serve God, worship God.

Conclusion:  He is always at the right time to work, just be patient.
Title: God's Gift an Instrument to Show God's Loving-Favor

Bible Passage: 1 Peter 4:10 (NLV)
God has given each of you a gift. Use it to help each other. This will show God’s loving-favor. 

Message: Your gift/talent that you received from God is not just for you, but it is also for others to show to them God's favor. You couldn't say, 'I do not have any gift/talent' because it says on the bible that each of us has received gift/talent from God.

Conclusion: Use the gift/talent that God has given to us.
Title: We Commit and Trust, He will Act!

Bible Passage: Psalm 37:5 (ESV)
Title: With All My Heart

Bible Passage: Matthew 22:37

Message:  The Bible says that we SHALL Love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and mind. I made an internet research about the word "Shall", I've found out that this word is a requirement. If we believe in Christ Jesus, we are required to Love Him with ALL our heart, soul and mind. But how do we love God? Simply, live our lives that pleases Him.

Conclusion: As we accept Christ Jesus, we have an obligation, and that is to Love Him with all our heart, soul and mind.

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