Honesty with Little Things

Title: Honesty with Little Things

Bible Passage: Luke 16:10 (NIV)
"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

Message: I have been tested for my honesty this past weeks, I encountered many situations like riding on a  jeepney where I gave only 20 pesos and they gave me 42 pesos but I returned what is not for me. I bought some foods at one fast food chain and they serve me more than what I ordered, I never think twice but I just bring back what is not for me. After these some situations, I have no doubt because I did what is right, but have a smiling face where I passed these little testing from God.

Conclusion: Be honest even with small things, because it counts.



Facebook Social Plugin Oming Photography Enhanced by: Rommel Villacorta

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