Give and Take

Bible Passage:

Proverbs 28:26
If you think you know it all, you’re a fool for sure; real survivors learn wisdom from others. (MSG)

I admit that sometimes, I'm a fool, in a sense that this verse was saying. There are times that I think that I know all what I'm doing; that I don't need any others help or assistance. Because most of the time, I'm not a team player. I'm at my best when I play individually especially in the aspects of computer technology. Then while I was reading this verse, It comes to a point I was asking myself where did I get lots of information that I was able to apply in my computer world? The answer is through the internet. Who gives some information in the internet? The answer is people. So, I was surviving computer world through gathering information from the internet, that some people had shared. In short, I'm a survivor of the computer world through the help of others.

Patients needs Doctors, and Doctors needs also Doctors because Doctors are also patients.

Persons who wants to have a hair cut needs Barbers, and Barbers needs also Barbers because Barbers also wants to have a hair cut, they can't cut their by their own.


God wants us to know that we need others in able to survive. God gives us only the wisdom we've asked for while others shares wisdom from what they’d asked from God. So share also the wisdom we've asked from God to let others survive. It’s simply give and take.

God's Wisdom

Bible Passage:  
Proverbs 2:6
For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.

James 1:5-6
5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6 But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. (NIV)
"Wisdom is the ability to think and act utilizing knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight." (Wikipedia)
Believe (The Free Dictionary)

1. To have firm faith, especially religious faith.
2. To have faith, confidence, or trust: I believe in your ability to solve the problem.
3. To have confidence in the truth or value of something: We believe in free speech.

Message: Sometimes, we may be too confident with our own capacity or with our own knowledge. We don't recognize God's wisdom because we know in ourselves that we can solve or pass any circumstances. Then, when we came to the point that we realized that we need His wisdom, we do ask but we lack trust. When we ask, we must also believe in Him. We must trust God that He will give you the wisdom you need.

Conclusion: God's Wisdom is free. All you have to do is ask and believe.


Egg Sandwich

egg sandwich
Egg Sandwich | Oming
First and foremost, I would like to let you know that I'm  not good in the kitchen. I can't even cook any single menu. All I know is to  fry & boil.

Today I've prepared an easy 1-2-3  breakfast meal. Egg sandwich with Tomato & Lettuce. Me and my family shared with this breakfast meal.
Special thanks to my brother from Pedrito's Bakeshop & Restaurant for the Wheat Bread.
Happy Birthday Bro. Delfin Katubig

Worship Leader | Guitarist | Drummer

I often call him "K.Delfz", K for Kuya. He is one of my closest buddy when he was still single . He is my basketball team mate  and manager :) "Crusaders".  And my mentor when it comes in playing drums.

Happy Birthday Bro. Delfin! God bless you more! Have a blast!

Our first out of town for us this year. Hopefully, we could have our first out of the country trip also this year (lol). Well, we both planned to go up to Baguio City after Panagbenga Festival so that it would be absolutely less traffic.
Our main purpose why we went up is to get to DFA. (It was Saturday, DFA located at SM City Baguio is open) we got there around 8am, line is almost long. We got our queue number 171 & 172, which they will only entertain us around 2:00-3:00pm, so while waiting for our time, we spend time at Burnham park, we do biking, skating & chi-cha. We do also meet with our mate Gilda who is working at some place at Session road.
Around 2pm, we get back to DFA for our application. In 1 up to 1 1/2 half, we're done. Then we went to Mines View Park right after for few shots and see the view (again) how that park looks-like after 3 years after our last visit.
It was a tiring day, yet we got more happiness and joy.

Endless Love | Kristine & Rommel

See more photos here

Happy Fifth Anniversary Heart!

 We are now celebrating our Fifth year (Wood Anniversary or Golden Monthsary) so much in-love with each other. Just like the love we've both felt since we started our relationship.

Celebrating Five Years | KrisMel
Celebrating Five Years | KrisMel

See more photos here

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