Object Lesson - A Recipe For Friendship 
Julia Bettencourt

Please Note

This devotion can be used as an object lesson. Place all the items on a table. Pick up the appropriate item, and give the application. You can actually mix up the cookie recipe in a bowl if you wish:)

    The Items Needed are the Following:
  • Shortening.
  • Sugar.
  • Eggs.
  • Vanilla.
  • Flour.
  • Baking Soda.
  • Salt.
  • Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips.
  • Nuts.

A Recipe For Friendship

Julia Bettencourt

Friendships are wonderful gifts to our lives straight from God. There are several references to friendship in the Bible. I think of the relationship of David and Jonathan (1 Samuel 18-20, 2 Samuel 1). Those chapters in Samuel are great reading. Jonathan and David had a great love and respect for each other.

I think of how God called Abraham, "
friend" (James 2:23). Moses also comes to mind. Remember how God spoke to him, "face to face, as a man speaketh to his friend" (Exodus 33:11)?

When it comes to our sisters in Christ, friendship takes on a special quality. Friendship between Christians is especially sweet because of the bond of Christ. We are enhanced by those special friendships. Building those friendships is a wonderful way to encourage and lift up others in the Lord.
Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be
likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:
That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the
father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:5,6

Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart: so doth the sweetness of
a man's friend by hearty counsel. Proverbs 27:9

Friends are one of the ways God takes care of us. We need all the things friendship entails from other human contact such as encouragement, companionship, love, honesty, loyalty, understanding, and so many more things friendship offers.

Our friendships with our sisters in Christ are like recipes of goodness for us. They bake up something special. You may have heard that saying, "
In the cookies of life, friends are the chocolate chips". Friends are that sweet extra in life and even sweeter is friendship among believers in Christ.

Why is a recipe for fellowship and friendship with our sisters in Christ is so Important? Let's check out the ingredients and see what they do.

    Sisters In Christ Friendship Recipe
  • Shortening - Provides texture. Our fellowship and friendship with our sisters in the Lord can add much depth and texture to our lives. We blend together in unity as part of the body of Christ.
  • Sugar - Adds sweetness. Our fellowship with our sisters adds such a sweet taste to our lives. If we didn't have sugar in our cookies, we'd sure miss it. The same is with our fellowship with our sisters. We can't leave it out of our lives.
  • Eggs - Holds ingredients together. Sisters in the Lord are someone to lean on. We are held together by fellowship with them. We are stronger because of them, their prayers, and their love in the Lord. We have a special bond in Christ.
  • Vanilla - Adds flavor. Sisters add that flavor we need. They give us that extra sensation. Without friends and fellowship we become kind of bland.
  • Flour - Adds substance. We need the substance a sister in the Lord can add. They give us many things by way of mentoring us when we don't even know it. Their shared testimonies and way they live their lives has an impact on us.
  • Baking Soda - Leavens. Leavening agents in baking helps to lighten the dough. Friendship with our sisters in Christ lightens our burdens through their prayer and encouragement.
  • Salt - Enhances flavor. We know that friendships add flavor and just when we need it, they help improve the tastefulness and quality of our lives. Friends are the type of people that know just what we are going through and are there when we need them.
  • Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips - - The kind of chocolate chips we normally add to our cookies is semi sweet. Our sister friends tell us what they feel and think and that's okay. They can be honest and truthful to us. "Iron sharpeneth iron" (Proverbs 27:17).
  • Nuts...Optional - Just a little craziness in a sister friend is great! Sometimes a little zaniness in our friends can be just the ingredient we need.

Friendships take a lot of time and effort to bake up but they are worth it when we sense that sweet aroma and special bond that they bring. Friends that have Jesus in common will have lasting relationships, not just here on earth, but will dwell with Christ together throughout eternity.
"A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there
is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24.

I wonder if I'm the type of friend that I should be to others, especially to my sisters in Christ. Am I doing all those things that I should be doing, like lifting burdens, adding flavor, helping hold things together with my prayers, and all those other things? I hope I can improve in this area.
So, is your life a good recipe for friendship? 

Credits to: Ms. Julia Bettencourt
No intention of blog plagiarism upon posting this on my blog.

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